Yoga, Britney and Me
“Hit me baby one more time” and the yoga Chant “Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti” are hardly phrases that sit together comfortably. But when New York based model-turned-yoga instructor Melanie Johl joined Britney Spears on her world tour last year, the two seemingly unconnected worlds of teen pop and yoga came together so well that even Madonna would have been impressed.
Yoga has been in Melanie’s blood long before it became a celebrity pastime. Her mother practiced yoga in the seventies and by the time Melanie came along, she was a convert and even had Melanie blessed by her Guru Swami Vishnudevananda, author of the yoga bible “The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga”.
Melanie joined Britney in Washington and traveled the States with her as a fully fledged member of Britney’s entourage. She took Britney through the basics, explaining that yoga is a union of mind, body and spirit. And although it is physically very beneficial, it’s also about centering the mind and focusing on mental and physical wellbeing. It wasn’t long before Britney was qualified to join the ranks of sun-saluting celebrities. “She always felt stretched and calm after lessons. She was completely open to it, which made her great to work with”, says Melanie.
The Rhythm of Breath
”What is more basic than breathing? From the moment we are born, until the end of our lives, breathing is something we do constantly, and most of us are not even aware that we do it. Healthy breathing is essential to fully maximizing your body’s potential and maintaining mental clarity. Breathing draws in fresh oxygen, allowing the lungs to oxygenate the blood. Done properly breathing can lower blood pressure, improve blood pressure, and increase the amount of oxygen to your brain (allowing you to think more clearly). Picture yourself at your most successful moment, performing at a level above your norm, unaware of what you were doing because you were just doing it. I call this being completely in the moment. A proper breath will allow you to relax and focus on the moment and those tasks that matter most.Next time you go to play/perform in front of an audience, whether it is your best friend or an arena of screaming fans, take a moment to close your eyes relax and breathe….”
Sun Salutation: Maintaining Flexibility
It has been said that we are only as young as our spine is flexible. With yoga, you can help increase the flexibility that was lost throughout youth and adulthood. Drummers are prone to injury with the hazards of their profession: repetitive motions, sitting in one fixed position. By implementing a regular yoga practice you can reverse the effects of wear and tear on the body. Yoga goes beyond physical health, helping the mind to focus, brining you into your breath and increasing your mental capacity. Over time its effects are cumulative.